Has James Harden created a target on his head or is it all backlash from the media wanting him to be traded? The answer is that he has created this self-induced target on his head over selfishly violating the COVID-19 guidelines by visiting night clubs, birthday parties, and reportedly even strip clubs on the final days leading into the NBA season. On Wednesday, the NBA released that they would be fining James Harden $50,000 and ruled him out for the game on Wednesday due to the COVID-19 protocol violation when he was seen mask less in a club earlier in the week. This then caused the game against the Thunder to be pushed back because on Wednesday the Rockets did not have their league-required 8 players to be in participation for the game.
It seems that James Harden is approaching the point of no return. The issue is that regardless of what happens with all of the bridges that he is burning with the Rockets, and possibly other organizations, he will be signed to another team because he is such a dominant offensive force. But these kinds of actions should not be allowed by NBA players. There should be a standard to which professional athletes should hold themselves. You have a whole organization that is willing to pour in their blood sweat and tears into a season just to make it to the playoffs or make the right moves to better the organization. How could Harden be so selfish? How diminishing would it be if you, a member of the Rocket's organization, saw your “team leader” behaving how James Harden has during this off-season. These events that are unfolding in front of us is clearly showing his lack of appreciation to the team and to the sport as a whole. I am not sure where Harden will play next, but hopefully he will be under an organization that can give him some proper guidance towards his next chapter in his career, because Houston does not seem to see eye with him.